Pig man
Pig man 2023, 120cm x 90cm, hand-coloured lithography and photography on Arches paper.
Pig man 2023, 120cm x 90cm, hand-coloured lithography and photography on Arches paper.
Exploring mythical reverie, ‘Merbaby’ combines hand-coloured lithography and photography. It unifies traditional and digital practices as a metaphor to discuss concepts such as our anthropomorphism as we ingest animals as food or are infected by them. Unlike the mermaid or siren from Disney or folklore this creature makes associations through this creature’s hybridity to zoonotic pathogen transmission of fish zoonoses along with human‘s culpability in environmental damage and negative impact on our world.
Red lithographic paper sculpture 2020, 4 x 16cm, created in response to Covid 19 and lockdown
Large hand coloured lithographs cut and stitched, hung over accompanying wallpaper printed digitally, created from hand coloured lithographs. 2019, 120 x 120cm
Winner of the Digital Section of the 45th Rio Tinto Martin Hansen Memorial Art Prize
Methodology, 2019, Hand coloured lithographs, paper cut and stitched 55x37cm, Inspired by the story ‘Concerning Cats’ from the Lady Francesca Wilde’s book titled Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland, 1887